Coppicing and Hedge Laying Training Course

I really enjoyed the recent coppicing and hedge laying training course that was organised by the Cotswold Tree Warden Group.

As well as learning about the history of countryside skills I also learnt so much of interest about environmental management and the benefits of traditional techniques for wildlife compared to the mechanised, industrial approach. The hedge shown in these pictures was laid using what’s known as the Midlands style. Our tutor had the most charming mix of a Gloucestershire/Midlands accent too!

Click on an image to enlarge:

Business Award

I am now officially an “Ambassador”!  Last Friday evening, I received the ‘Cotswold Life Cirencester Ambassador’ award and was thrilled to be the winner.  This award, along with several others such as ‘Best Innovation’ and ‘Best Publicity Campaign’, was announced at the Chamber of Commerce awards ceremony held at the Royal Agricultural College in Cirencester.

Readers of Cotswold Life magazine wrote in and voted for the person they believed to be the best ambassador for Cirencester.  I was really pleased and proud that people cared enough to write in and vote for me.  Thank you to everyone who voted.

The main reason for me getting the most votes is my involvment with Corinium Radio – the local community radio station that broadcasts twice a year, has its own website with downloadable podcasts and is run soley by volunteers.